新聞, 經濟分析 及洞察


探索科法斯全面的風險儀表板,為 160 個國家和 13 個產業部門提供深入的風險評估,以做出策略決策



  • #經濟報告

    Tech wars: US-China rivalry for electronics out to 2035

    Since 2017, the technology war between the US and China has been shaking up the global electronics landscape. Between sanctions, export controls and the quest for technological leadership, this rivalry is reshaping supply chains and creating major uncertainties. Yet interdependence remains strong between these two powers, despite fierce competition that could fragment the industry by 2035.

  • #經濟報告



  • #經濟報告


    全球經濟復甦呈現喜憂參半的局面。美國經濟似乎有望實現軟著陸,而歐元區仍面臨諸多不確定性域。在此背景下,科法斯調整了 5 個國家/地區和 17 個行業的評級,反映了我們對 2025 年世界經濟增長的預期:雖然增速可能低於潛在水準。立即下載2024年10月國家/地區和行業貿易風險報告。

  • #經濟報告

    2024 拉丁美洲企業付款調查:信用條件緊縮,逾期付款惡化

    科法斯最新的拉丁美洲付款行為調查顯示,該地區正出現一種新的趨勢。一方面,信用條件緊縮;另一方面,逾期付款時間明顯延長。在全球經濟面臨挑戰,而拉丁美洲經濟 2025 年成長前景黯淡的背景下,這一趨勢不禁使人擔心區內企業的財務穩定性。

  • 商業風險儀錶板

    透過科法斯針對 160 多個國家和 13 個產業的全球風險評估來應對不確定性。

  • #經濟報告


    隨著「地球村」時代的結束,世界貿易正處於轉型期,其在全球GDP的份額停滯不前。從烏克蘭到中東的地緣政治動盪正在推動分裂,而「友岸外包」(friend-shoring) 則將貿易轉向基於聯盟的方向。連接國正在崛起,新的貿易路線正在出現,但美國和中國等大國仍然高度相互依存。全球化正在重組,以適應日益加劇的保護主義。

  • #經濟報告

    Increased payment delays for French businesses, amid growing social and political risks

    Coface survey on payment behavior shows a lengthening of the average payment period, while 85% of companies have also experienced payment delays, with the majority indicating that they are longer and more numerous than in 2023. This deterioration in payment behavior is reflected in a further rise in insolvencies, which have now stabilized at much higher levels than in 2019 and 2023.

  • #經濟報告

    Germany Corporate Payment Survey 2024: Simmering under the lid

    The 8th edition of Coface’s survey on corporate payment experience in Germany shows that the payment behaviour of German companies remains stable. However, this observation shouldn’t reassure considering the growing credit risks out of accumulated overdue payments.